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MAS - 2017



Despite the shift in legal landscapes permitting the use of recreational marijuana, the shadows of cultural stigmas and biases linger. This dichotomy is evident when individuals, despite being within their legal rights, still feel the need to hide their marijuana consumption.


By openly showcasing signs of marijuana consumption, we challenge society to face and reevaluate its deep-seated prejudices.






Throughout history, cannabis consumption has been both a revolutionary act and a deeply personal ritual. Many have navigated society's watchful eyes with a myriad of creative gadgets, tools, and tricks. In honor of these discreet devices that tell a story of resistance, acceptance, and cultural evolution, we introduce citywide shrines as symbols of acknowledgment and respect.

The Sploof Altar

Situated in a bustling urban park, this shrine showcases the artful craft of homemade "sploofs" – devices used to mask the scent of cannabis smoke. Amidst intricate carvings and placards, visitors can glimpse the ingenuity of countless individuals who sought discretion in a less accepting time.

Joint Junction

Located near a popular social square, this shrine pays homage to the art of rolling. With displays of antique rolling papers, old-school rollers, and even a history of the various ways to roll a joint, it underscores the communal and ritualistic aspects of sharing a joint.

The Edible Exhibit

Situated close to a local bakery, this shrine is a nod to the art of infusing cannabis into food. While it doesn't house perishables, it showcases tools, molds, and even recipe cards that were used to craft discreet cannabis consumables.


A product line that not only embraces but accentuates the hallmarks of marijuana consumption. By doing so, we aim to prompt conversations, normalize its use, and dispel age-old misconceptions. Plus, we're supporting a noble cause: all proceeds go to NormlCanada, an organization advocating for fair and practical reform of cannabis laws.


Red-Eye Drops

Who said clear eyes were the norm? Our eye drops give you the iconic 'just smoked' look. It's a statement piece, a conversation starter, and a way to say, "Yes, I partake, and that's okay."

Cannabis-Scented Deodorant

This isn't about masking the scent – it's about wearing it proudly. Our deodorant challenges the typical reaction to the scent of weed, transforming it from a source of potential judgment to a symbol of acceptance and change.


Weed-Scented Candles

Illuminate your space with the unmistakable aroma of cannabis. Whether you're a user or an ally, lighting this candle is a sign of solidarity, supporting a world where marijuana users aren't marginalized or stigmatized.


Leveraging the iconic red-eyed look from cannabis use, our social media campaign introduces the "Red Eye Filter" and pairs it with #RED4GREEN, blending cannabis advocacy with a passionate call for broader sustainability and acceptance.


E. Cotte

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